Senior Section.

The senior's section at Forest Pines has become established during the 2024 season. The age range for the senior section is 55+

During 2024, there have been internal competitions held on a Thursday at approximately three weekly intervals, which have been very well supported.

In addition, there have been home and away friendly matches against: -

Wheatley Golf Club
Normanby Hall Golf Club
Holme Hall Golf Club
Oulton Hall Golf Club

These will take place again in 2025 alongside home and away fixtures against Grimsby Golf Club, with further fixtures pending.

There are two seniors board competitions, the Bob Clayton Trophy and the Henry Mosey Scratch Competition. As of 2025, there will also be a seniors's knockout competition added to the fixture list.

To date, communication has been via email, however, moving forward, a WhatsApp group is being set up as this is seen by members to be the most convenient.

Anyone wishing to join the senior's section, should, in the first instance, contact Pete Reeves, by email which you can do by clicking below